23 Jan Guidelines for Mentors and Mentoring Programme Coordinators
Guidelines for Mentors and Mentoring Programme Coordinators
Prepared by LeGME project teem, 2015

Gairės mentoriams ir mentorių programos koordinatoriams
The guidelines has been developed within the Learning to Be a Good Mentor (LeGMe) project(2013-2015). The guidelines is conceived as an interactive tool for thoose, who decide to create a mentoring programme or a training / coaching programme for (potential) mentors. Guidebook’s authors share questions that project partnership has considered carefully while developing the various mentoring programmes. The gudelines focuses on the development of a mentoring programme: what, why, who for, who with, how, and to what end – these are the major questions that authors invite programme developers to think about, and weigh alternatives that may work best for them. The apparently smallest details may impact the outcome of a mentoring programme, so – based on the collective experience within this project and other previous mentoring programmes – authors call mentoring programme developers’ attention to a series of aspects that may be easy to overlook when we focus on the big picture. The publication also present guidelines for development of the mentors training / coaching programme: framework of the training, curriculum, methodology, timeline, monitoring and evaluation, illustrating each step with examples of successful practice from the Project partners organizations. At the and of the publication there are presented synopsis of each coaching programme tested within the project.