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Project MIND – Critical theory in adult education practice: Empowerment for critical actions

Project No. 2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000153426 Project duration: 31 December 2023–30 December 2025. Project co-funder: EU program Erasmus+ Project coordinator: Lietuvos suaugusiųjų švietimo asociacija (Lithuania)

Project partners:

Izglītības attīstības centrs (Latvija)

Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība (LPIA) (Latvija)

Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih DANTE (Kroatia) Pucko otvoreno uciliste LIBAR (Kroatia) Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (Romania) Asociatia EGOMUNDI (Romania) Šiuolaikinių didaktikų centras (Lithuania)

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The professional experience of the partner organizations proves that Critical Thinking (further – CT) education has already become a part of formal school education and higher education studies. At least in research, official documents, strategic guidelines, programs goals and some practical experiences. In non-formal adult education, CT presented in a very fragmented way, either as part of media literacy, or as a tool to fight against propaganda. However, neither the concept of CT itself, nor its attributes as a CT competence, have been widely studied or analysed in terms of how it is manifested in non-formal adult education, how it is applied. A preliminary analysis of the literature on the subject has revealed an apparent lack of not only the development but also the presentation of this competency in adult education of Lithuania.
The situation is very similar in the partner countries – Latvia, Croatia and Romania. Therefore, all partners agreed on the need to increase the awareness and application of CT in non-formal education by bringing together science and best practice to suggest a universal model that can be applied and adapted in different adult education contexts, while at the same time providing guidance for adult education policy.


The project aims to improve the competences of adult educators by fostering CT among adult learners so that they can apply it in their daily professional and community life and make a meaningful contribution to their own well-being, that of others and that of all.

  1. Provide evidence of CT presence (and non-presence) and importance for adult education by developing: Compendium of most relevant scientific literature, tailored to adult educators; Executive Summary of adult education documents/programs in partner countries; Recommendations for Adult education policy.
  2. Provide clear guidance on how CT can be developed and practiced by elaborating: science and practice informed Methodical Model to be used in various adult education settings and contexts; Program for adult educators and Toolkit to be used for work with adult learners.
  3. Provide opportunity to practice CT and improve digital skills in adult education organizations and communities by: developing training program and materials; delivering training/workshops.
  4. Skatinti kritinio mąstymo mokymą(si), sukuriant patrauklias skaitmenines priemones mokymąsi, pvz. internetines užduotis / testus (WebQuests).
  5. Share project results and lessons learned among partnership, local communities, respective audience at national and international contexts via: mutual learning and direct communication, hands-on activities, websites, newsletters, FB, EPALE, and other relevant means.

Pagrindinė tikslinė auditorija: suaugusiųjų švietėjai, dirbantys su įvairiomis besimokančių suaugusiųjų grupėmis.

Antrinė tikslinė auditorija: besimokantys suaugusieji ir suaugusiųjų švietimo politikos formuotojai.

Naudos gavėjai: šeimos, bendruomenės, visuomenė.

Compendium of scientific literature on the development of CT in non-formal adult education summarized and tailored for adult educators
Executive Report on adult education documents/programmes in relation to the development of CT in non-formal adult education summarized and tailored for adult educators
Methodological model – universal tool for the development of CT in non-formal adult education
Training Programme for adult educators on teaching CT for adult learners
Toolkit with practical examples of learning CT
Recommendations on development of CT in non-formal adult education for adult education policy makers

Improved knowledge of CT in adult education; improved adult educators’ skills in teaching adult learners to use CT; improved adult learners’ skills in applying CT in their lives; improved partners’ skills and competences in strategy, analysis, modelling, cooperation and communication, in English.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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