23 Jan Motivating adult learners’ participation and persistence in lifelong learning processes. Training methodologies and learning techniques in adult education – a collection of best practices
Motivating adult learners’ participation and persistence in lifelong learning processes. Training methodologies and learning techniques in adult education – a collection of best practices
Published by RWCT International Consortium
Translated into Lithuanian by Modern Didactics Centre, 2011
Motivating adult learners’ participation and persistence in lifelong learning processes. Training methodologies and learning techniques in adult education – a collection of best practices
Published by RWCT International Consortium
Translated into Lithuanian by Modern Didactics Centre, 2011

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The present collection of best practices of training methodologies and learning techniques in adult education is the final result of the research into training practices carried out within the CreMoLe project. The research aimed to collect best practices in adult education in nine European countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland by analysing training courses offered by various adult education providers to a variety of groups. This publication addresses adult educators and adult education providers who strive to motivate learners to engage in lifelong learning processes. The authors hope to offer some useful creative and critical thinking strategies to be applied in a variety of adult learning contexts for experienced adult educators.