24 Jan Life-Stories of Immigrants : Guidebook for Trainers, Teachers and Social Workers
Life-Stories of Immigrants : Guidebook for Trainers, Teachers and Social Workers
Vilnius: Modern Didactics Center, 2004

Imigrantų gyvenimo istorijos: vadovas mokytojų rengėjams, mokytojams ir socialiniams darbuotojams
This publication resulting from the project Trainers for European Citizens is based on experience of project participants from Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden. Guidebook briefly introduces immigration situation and immigration policy in each country and presents life-stories of immigrants’. Publication can be used by teachers of Civic Education as a trainer in centres for immigrant education, or by a social policy worker to increase knowledge about immigration, not only in the home country but also in the other partner countries.
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