23 Jan Innovative ways for motivating adults for learning
Innovative ways for motivating adults for learning
Published by RWCT International Consortium
Translated into Lithuanian by Modern Didactics Centre, 2011

Inovatyvūs būdai suaugusiųjų motyvavimui mokytis
This guidebook has been developed as a part of the EU-funded project CreMoLe / Create – Motivate – Learn (2009-2011) with the aim of disseminating the innovative strategies, techniques or learning activities developed and tested within the partnership. The guidebook is organized in two chapters. The first introductory chapter presents the project and partnership. The second chapter starts with the definition of “innovative strategies” and with the motivation factors in the field of adult education. After each innovative method, technique or learning activity is described, firstly by giving basic information about it and secondly, by introducing examples of practical use, summarizing the results of testing activities and concluding by introducing findings and recommendations for transfer. Resources for implementing the innovative ways are provided in the Annexes of the guidebook. This guidebook is targeted at practicing and prospective trainers involved in adult education who work with adults reluctant to engage in lifelong learning. The methods, strategies and learning activities described in this guidebook may be used in both formal training programmes and in non-formal learning settings.
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