23 Jan DS Guide training manual on EU-enlargement. “How to use the tools” – Guide for authors and trainers in how to use the DS on European enlargement topics
DS Guide training manual on EU-enlargement. “How to use the tools” – Guide for authors and trainers in how to use the DS on European enlargement topics
Prepared by DeTales project team
Translated into Lithuanian by Modern Didactics Centre, 2011
Skaitmeninių istorijų apie ES plėtrą kūrimo Vadovas. Vadovas lektoriams apie skaitmeninių istorijų metodo ES plėtros temoms taikymą
This guidebook has been developed implementing the project DeTales – Digital Education Through Adult Learners EU-Enlargement Stories (2010-2012). The purpose of this training manual is to provide trainees with an innovative methodology to share stories about EU enlargement and encourage other people to do so. The training manual will support the addressee in the creation of stories on EU enlargement, video editing competences (Digital competences); creative competences write a story and transfer it into a digital output. This manual has been designed as an interactive guide. It is possible to find the basic information on EU enlargement and Digital storytelling but it is necessary to click on different links to have further information, resources, examples and tools concerning the needs required. It is possible to find useful activities or games to stimulate learner’s stories and knowledge. It can be used during workshops, non formal lessons, team building activities, monitoring and evaluation activities. The manual is meant for educators, facilitators, teachers, volunteers working in the educational sector formal, informal and non-formal education.